Monday, February 28, 2011

Diary of the Plant

Tuesday Feb. 15
Received the soil and seed today, planted about an inch under the soil and took it to classes.
Back at the apartment, I put the cup with the plant in the windowsill where there was sun.

Wednesday Feb. 16, Thursday Feb. 17, and Friday Feb. 18
Gave the plant about a teaspoon of water because the soil looked dry.

Sunday Feb. 20
The plant sprouted about an inch!!!

Monday Feb. 21 and Tues. 22
Watered plant- teaspoon
Plant grew and has two leaves

Feb. 26, 2011
Plant has 4 leaves and furry stem.

March 2, 2011
Gave plant teaspoon of water and left in sun all day, temperature of room around 70 degrees throughout whole experiment so far.
Plant is standing straight up and leaves look same as picture above.

March 15, 2011
Have been giving plant about a teaspoon of water ever other day including today and it is standing straight up with more leaves on the windowsill.

March 23, 2011
Plant has not changed much since last photo and must have stopped growing but is growing straight. 
Given teaspoon of water yesterday and every other day before that.

March 25, 2011
Replanted Audrey into a new pot with Miracle Grow.

April 4, 2011
Plant found wilted completely today, gave it quite a bit of water.

April 5th, 2011
Plant is back alive and well with a couple lost leaves

April 25, 2011
Pretty sure my plant has been dead for about 3 days now =(

May 1, 2011
The plant is still wilted and dead, may need more room to grow its roots or it is a lost cause unfortunately =(

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